Notebook Eight | Repository

Support Vector Machines

Andrea Leone
University of Trento
January 2022

A Support Vector Machine constructs a hyperplane (or set of hyperplanes) in a high dimensional space. A good separation is achieved when the hyperplane maximises the distance to the nearest training data points of any class (so-called functional margin), since the larger the margin the lower the generalization error of the classifier. SVMs have many advantages:

Linear Support Vector Classification

LinearSVC is a SVM implementation using a linear kernel for classification (liblinear instead of libsvm).
It has more flexibility in the choice of penalties and loss functions and should scale better with a relatively large numbers of samples.

score board — LinearSVC

pipeline         accuracy  precision recall     cm_d

en_core_web_lg   .74788732 .74379935 .74187827  192 210 129
en_core_web_lg   .75396825 .74985044 .74500536  191 173 111  without outliers (pm=LOF)
en_core_web_lg   .74342105 .73021099 .72560640  115 157  67  without outliers (pm=IF)

en_core_web_trf  .68547249 .70491715 .66850507  179 221  86
en_core_web_trf  .67617449 .67889453 .65841361  168 168  67  without outliers (pm=LOF)
en_core_web_trf  .68322981 .72222222 .67393862   50 115  55  without outliers (pm=IF)

C-Support Vector Classifier

C is the regularization parameter: the strength of the regularization is inversely proportional to its value.
It must be strictly positive. The penalty is a squared l2 penalty.

score board — SVC

pipeline         accuracy  precision recall      cm_d

en_core_web_lg   .69859154 .69541303 .69079272   164 211 121
en_core_web_lg   .71428571 .70779571 .70877981   165 174 111  without outliers (pm=LOF)
en_core_web_lg   .72587719 .71284063 .70696499   110 156  65  without outliers (pm=IF)

en_core_web_trf  .38363892 .47652139 .39770875   131  24 117
en_core_web_trf  .33557046 .41124413 .39959751    51  26 123  without outliers (pm=LOF)
en_core_web_trf  .34782608 .44948247 .39678957    27  30  55  without outliers (pm=IF)

Nu-Support Vector Classification

Nu is an upper bound on the fraction of margin errors and a lower bound of the fraction of support vectors. Should be in the interval (0, 1].

score board — NuSVC

pipeline         accuracy  precision recall     cm_d

en_core_web_lg   .73521126 .73076537 .72452168  191 214 117
en_core_web_lg   .71587301 .71088888 .70570339  179 170 102  without outliers (pm=LOF)
en_core_web_lg   .71271929 .69583827 .69366676  113 150  62  without outliers (pm=IF)

en_core_web_trf  .69534555 .69022359 .68204887  201 189 103
en_core_web_trf  .66275167 .64658706 .64513622  130 186  79  without outliers (pm=LOF)
en_core_web_trf  .65527950 .64224054 .64813741   75  91  45  without outliers (pm=IF)