Notebook Five |
Semantic Networks
Andrea Leone
University of Trento
February 2022
import project
import os
import spacy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import collections
import pickle
import grave
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
records = project.sql_query("""
WHERE transcript IS NOT NULL
df = project.create_dataframe_from(records)
Load the pipeline
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg")
Process all transcripts
docs_pkl = "data/docs.v4.pkl"
if not os.path.exists( docs_pkl ):
docs = list()
for _,record in tqdm( list(df.iterrows()) ):
docs.append( nlp( record["transcript"] ) )
with open( docs_pkl, "wb" ) as file:
pickle.dump(docs, file)
with open( docs_pkl, "rb" ) as file:
docs = pickle.load(file)
Semantic distribution
Let's start with the token "creativity"
tag = nlp("creativity")[0]
dt1 = [(i, row) for i,row in df.iterrows() if tag.text in row["tags"]]
Distribution of the tagged talks in the years
years, counts = project.unzip_array(
collections.Counter([row["year"] for _,row in dt1]).items()
plt.figure( figsize=(45/2.54, 20/2.54), dpi=180 )
markerline, stemlines, baseline = plt.stem(years, counts)
plt.setp(baseline, linewidth=1, alpha=.5, color="black")
plt.setp(stemlines, linewidth=7, alpha=.8, color="#0E38B1")
plt.setp(markerline, linewidth=0, alpha=1, color="#0E38B1", marker="o")
plt.ylim(-3, 53)
Define the dataset, split for the two decades: 2002-2012 and 2012-2022
ds1 = {
"02-12": [ (i,row) for i,row in dt1 if 2002 < row["year"] < 2013 ],
"12-22": [ (i,row) for i,row in dt1 if 2012 < row["year"] < 2023 ]
print( len(ds1["02-12"]), len(ds1["12-22"]) )
92 248
Define the logic to analyse the texts in the dataset: get the lemmas and collect the similarity score with the focused tag
def analyze(tag, rows, task="docs", pos="NOUN", to_df=False, norm_c=False, split_value=0.5):
if task == "docs":
lemmas = list()
similarities = dict()
empty_array = np.zeros(300)
for (i, row) in rows:
for token in docs[i]:
if token.pos_ == pos:
if not np.array_equal(token.vector, empty_array):
similarities[ token.lemma_ ] = tag.similarity(token)
lemmas = collections.Counter(lemmas).most_common()
lemmas = [
[ lemma, similarities[lemma], count ] for lemma, count in lemmas
split_value = int( len(lemmas) * split_value )
results = sorted(
lemmas[:split_value], key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True
cs = ["word", "tag-similarity", "word-count"]
sm = sum([c for _,_,c in results])
if norm_c:
results = [ [l,s,c,(c/sm)*1000] for l,s,c in results]
if to_df:
return pd.DataFrame(results, columns=cs)
return results
if task == "tags":
tags = list()
for (i, row) in rows:
for tag in row["tags"]:
results = collections.Counter(tags).most_common()
if to_df:
return pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["tag", "tag-count"])
return results
def sort_values(rows, st=0.5):
lst = [ row for row in sorted(rows, key=lambda x : x[2]) if row[1] > st ]
return sorted(lst, key=lambda x : x[1], reverse=True)
The analysis extracts a particular part-of-speech role; in this case, all nouns (suggested alternative: verbs)
dict_keys(['02-12', '12-22'])
dr1 = dict()
for key in ds1.keys():
dr1[key] = analyze(tag, ds1[key], pos="NOUN", to_df=True, norm_c=True).iloc[:30]
print( "\ndecade 20{}".format(key) )
print( dr1[key].iloc[:15] )
decade 2002-12 word tag-similarity word-count norm-wc 0 creativity 1.000000 71 2.165426 1 imagination 0.759219 24 0.731975 2 inspiration 0.702141 19 0.579480 3 innovation 0.664305 28 0.853971 4 passion 0.655068 22 0.670977 5 motivation 0.619925 9 0.274491 6 storytelling 0.590511 23 0.701476 7 curiosity 0.589669 6 0.182994 8 talent 0.589180 17 0.518482 9 brilliance 0.585092 2 0.060998 10 sense 0.582550 71 2.165426 11 genius 0.581985 25 0.762474 12 experimentation 0.570823 6 0.182994 13 possibility 0.566758 21 0.640478 14 openness 0.561217 2 0.060998 decade 2012-22 word tag-similarity word-count norm-wc 0 creativity 1.000000 145 1.938995 1 imagination 0.759219 53 0.708736 2 inspiration 0.702141 29 0.387799 3 ingenuity 0.693314 12 0.160469 4 innovation 0.664305 90 1.203514 5 passion 0.655068 38 0.508150 6 artistry 0.650408 3 0.040117 7 individuality 0.644738 7 0.093607 8 enthusiasm 0.641415 4 0.053490 9 storytelling 0.590511 34 0.454661 10 curiosity 0.589669 46 0.615130 11 talent 0.589180 34 0.454661 12 brilliance 0.585092 5 0.066862 13 idea 0.582737 561 7.501906 14 sense 0.582550 166 2.219815
wls = list()
for dr in dr1.values():
wls.extend([row["word"] for i,row in dr.iterrows()])
def plot_stem_difference(dr, wls, cs, mv=100):
plt.rcParams[''] = 'Graphik'
fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(10,10), dpi=180 )
for key in dr.keys():
wll = list()
for wl in wls:
nwc = dr1[key][ dr1[key]["word"] == wl ]["norm-wc"]
if len(nwc) > 0:
val = nwc.iloc[0]
wll.append( val if val < mv else mv )
wll.append( 0 )
wld = dict( zip(wls, wll) )
wld = dict( sorted( wld.items(), key=lambda x:x[1] ) )
markerline, stemlines, baseline = plt.stem(wls, wll, markerfmt=cs[key], orientation="horizontal")
plt.setp(baseline, linewidth=1, alpha=.5, color="lightgray")
plt.setp(stemlines, linewidth=1, alpha=.25, color="lightgray")
plt.setp(markerline, linewidth=0, alpha=1, color=cs[key], marker="o")
plot_stem_difference(dr1, wls, cs={ "02-12": "#CEA8E0", "12-22": "#9191C9" }, mv=3)
Use the sorted results of the analysis to create a graph for each decade
G = dict(); gvs = dict([
[key, sort_values( analyze(tag, ds1[key], pos="NOUN", norm_c=True), st=0.5 )] for key in ds1.keys()
for key in ds1.keys():
G[key] = nx.Graph()
(tag.text, lemma, w) for lemma,w,_,_ in gvs[key][1:]
]); ns = list()
for lemma, s,c,n in gvs[key] : G[key].add_node(lemma, similarity=s, count=c); ns.append(n)
ns = np.array(ns); ns = (ns/np.linalg.norm(ns) * 2); np.putmask(ns, ns > 1, 1); ns[0] = 0
lemmas = [ nlp(lemma)[0] for lemma,_,_,_ in gvs[key] ]
for l1 in lemmas:
for l2 in lemmas:
w = l2.similarity(l1)
if 0.62 < w < 1 : G[key].add_edge(l1.text, l2.text, weight=w)
fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(8,8), dpi=180 )
pos = nx.spring_layout(G[key], seed=5)
iet = len(G[key].edges()) - len(gvs[key])
nx.draw(G[key], pos, **{
"node_size": 0, "edge_color": (0,0,0,.02),
"edgelist": list(G[key].edges())[:len(gvs[key])-1]
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G[key], pos, **{
"node_size": 2, "node_color": "lightgray",
"node_shape": "o", "alpha": ns,
"nodelist": list(G[key].nodes())
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G[key], pos, **{
"edge_color": ( 0,0,0, .04),
"edgelist": list(G[key].edges())[-iet:]
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G[key], pos, **{
"font_color": "black", "font_size": 6,
"font_family": "Graphik", "alpha": .8,
"horizontalalignment": "center",
"verticalalignment": "bottom"
fig.savefig("images/network.{}.{}.svg".format(tag.text, key), format="svg", dpi=1200)
Semantic tag distribution
Aggregate the relationship among tags
wts = dict(); gvs = dict(); nvs = dict()
for key in ds1.keys():
wts[key] = list()
for _,row in ds1[key]:
cln = dict( collections.Counter(wts[key]).most_common() )
nws = np.array(list(cln.values()))
nws = nws/np.linalg.norm(nws); nws[0] = 0
nvs[key] = dict( zip( cln.keys(), nws ) )
gvs[key] = list()
for word in set(wts[key]):
if word != tag.text:
m = nlp(word)[0]
if not np.array_equal(m.vector, np.zeros(300)):
w = tag.similarity( m )
if w > 0.425:
gvs[key].append([ tag.text, word, w ])
Like before, create a graph from the results for both decades
G = dict()
for key in ds1.keys():
G[key] = nx.Graph()
(tag.text, word, w) for _,word,w in gvs[key]
lemmas = [ nlp(lemma)[0] for _,lemma,_ in gvs[key] ]
for l1 in lemmas:
for l2 in lemmas:
if l1.text != l2.text:
w = l2.similarity(l1)
if 0.5 < w < 1 : G[key].add_edge(l1.text, l2.text, weight=w)
fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(8,8), dpi=180 )
pos = nx.spring_layout(G[key], seed=5)
nx.draw(G[key], pos, **{
"node_size": 0, "edge_color": (0,0,0,.02),
"edgelist": list(G[key].edges())[:len(gvs[key])-1]
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G[key], pos, **{
"node_size": 2, "node_color": "darkgray",
"node_shape": "o", "alpha": .2,
"nodelist": list(G[key].nodes())
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G[key], pos, **{
"edge_color": ( 0,0,0, .04),
"edgelist": list(G[key].edges())[-len(gvs[key]):]
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G[key], pos, **{
"font_color": "black", "font_size": 6,
"font_family": "Graphik", "alpha": .8,
"horizontalalignment": "center",
"verticalalignment": "bottom"
Plot the zipfian word count distribution
word_counts = collections.Counter()
for doc in docs: word_counts.update(
token.lemma_ for token in doc
X, Y = project.unzip_array( word_counts.most_common() )
fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(10,10), dpi=180 )
markerline, stemlines, baseline = plt.stem(X[:100], Y[:100])
plt.setp(stemlines, linewidth=2, alpha=.5, color="limegreen")
plt.setp(baseline, linewidth=2, alpha=.1, color="limegreen")
plt.setp(markerline, linewidth=0, alpha=1, color="limegreen", marker="o", markersize=0)